Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2025-03-08
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
Please report any errors using the Contact Form so they can be corrected during the log checking.
1 OM0RX..............96,960 2 K1ZM...............33,150 3 DL8LR..............28,416 4 DK2LO..............13,160 5 TA1ED..............13,050 6 S57O...............12,684 7 SN0E...............12,312 (SO8OO) 8 DM2X...............11,948 (DL2OE) 9 LZ4TX...............9,234 10 YO8WW...............8,550 11 S59DM...............7,420 12 DO3OI...............5,478 13 OE3MDB..............4,935 14 IK0XBX..............4,114 15 DA0T................3,179 (DL7AT) 16 S59DR...............3,168 17 OL7W................3,132 (OK1CSM) 18 YO4AAC..............2,788 19 DL1PP...............2,646 20 SP9RQH..............2,460 21 PC2F................1,694 22 UT5EOX..............1,584 23 LC1P................1,500 (LA1DSA) 24 9A5M................1,456 25 GW9Z................1,265 (GW1YQM) 26 EA3F................1,260 27 RW3AI...............1,236 28 NN1DX...............1,120 29 DK1MIR..............1,020 30 HG7J..................869 31 GW8C..................810 (M0WLY) 32 K4SAA.................660 33 WA3LXD................658 34 UT0ZT.................603 35 AC3LW.................480 36 HA5BA.................282 37 N0LMQ.................270 38 WQ6X..................138 39 KA7T..................102 40 W1WEF..................60 41 NF5P...................20 42 YW6CQ..................10 (YV6BXN) 43 JH7UJU..................8 44 AD4GG...................2
(C) = CLASSIC overlay category. 1 radio, <24 hours
(R) = ROOKIE overlay category. Licensed <3 years
(Y) = YOUTH overlay category. Age 25 or below