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CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest

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2019 CW

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Call Category Comments
K1LTSINGLE-OP HIGHSee my more detailed soapbox on 3830scores.com. Nice rates Friday night despite the lack of DX. Nice DX Saturday night despite the lack of rate. I busted Z66X's callsign so I miss a multiplier. Sad.
K2LSSINGLE-OP HIGHI have never heard signals on 160 this loud!
K2PIASSISTED HIGHI am submitting this as a check log. Unfortunately I did not understand that the CQ rules prohibited use of spotting for QRP entrants and I used the cluster during the contest. The statement in the rules that there is no assisted category for QRP entran
K2TTMSINGLE-OP LOWFun contest. Often times I could hear EU DX but they couldn't hear me!
K2YGSINGLE-OP QRPK3 @ 5 watts, 144 ft inv v dipole
K3CCRMULTI-OPK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W3GB did Multi-Op HP in the Jan. 2019 CQ WW 160 CW. Conditions were quite good we got 32 EU QSOs and 20 EU mults, plus 6 CA, 2 OR,
K3IEASSISTED HIGHWhat a difference a receive antenna makes - K9AY Loop rocks!
K3JTSINGLE-OP LOWI'm going to find and fix the noise source that's killing me, or else.
K3MDASSISTED HIGHHad fu, minimum effort.
K3OOASSISTED HIGHWas only able to get on for 2 1/2 hours Saturday night... S&P mode DXing. Conditions seemed great.
K3SWASSISTED HIGHThis replaces earlier one. Not all states/provinces were counted before.
K3TWSINGLE-OP QRPBand conditions were excellent for QRP."
K4FNASSISTED HIGHFTdx-3000, Expert 1K-FA, FCP Inv L and KD9SV RBOG. Remote from FL. 73 Dan K4FN
K4UEESINGLE-OP HIGHBig signals stateside....DX weak !
K4WIASSISTED HIGHPart time effort here.... only got 12 hours in over both nights.
K4XUSINGLE-OP HIGHConditions Saturday night ~07-08Z were good. Worked Europe - for a change!
K5RXASSISTED HIGHWay too much line noise for a serious effort, but had to make a few QSOs in this great contest. Line noise was audible on every Beverage all the time, except a few periods when not audible on the 315 degree Beverage. During those periods, I seemed to no
K5WASINGLE-OP HIGHI was only about to operate before sunset since I've got NEW RFI 73, Bob K5WA
K5XUSINGLE-OP LOWLots of noise, but lots of fun.
K5ZDSINGLE-OP HIGHFirst night was not good for DX. Second night was much better!
K6DAJMULTI-OPA fun contest on a mercurial and mysterious band. Great to work so many familiar calls from CWT, NS, etc.
K6JSASSISTED HIGHFirst time in a 160M contest from home QTH. 45' x 100' lot. wire 50' up the tower and back down, 45' between ends, small receiving loop, amazed what I could hear and work with this setup. DX: HK, FM, KV4, P4, KH6, KP2, C6, PJ2, XE. K3 - KPA500
K7NJASSISTED HIGHNote for contest committee only - not for publication: Regarding QSO with IK2DFZ on January 27 at 07:24 UTC, this seems too early in the morning for him. However, there were some unusual conditions with odd paths. So, maybe the QSO was good. In any cas
K7QAASSISTED HIGHPrimary objective again this year was to find and work new countries to get 160 DXCC. About 2 dozen left to hit 100 from the new QTH. Spent lots of time listening and checking the spots. JT5LZ and BY1RX were ones that got away with 559 above the noise but
K7QBOSINGLE-OP LOWThank you to all stations I worked. Good band conditions both nights.
K8GVKSINGLE-OP LOWToo many super high speed operators.. takes fun away
K9ZOSINGLE-OP HIGHMy first serious effort in this contest so good to establish a baseline.
KA6WKESINGLE-OP LOWGot started with tuner issues and had to fall back to the rig's tuner. It did the job. About 4000 points better than last year. W6LVP RX loop performed well! Highlights were PJ2T, XE2X, XS2X, CO2AN, VO2AC - had to look that one up! Rig IC-7600 @ 100 Watts
KB2URIASSISTED HIGHToo many hours for too little result. Someday I'll have a 160m antenna- Honest! Thanks to everyone who toughed out working my few miliwatt signal.
KB8NNUSINGLE-OP HIGHIt was a great time! Conditions were fair for both nights!
KB8TYJSINGLE-OP LOWIt was a fun contest, given the limited time I had to operate.
KC1SASINGLE-OP LOWLove this contest and now with the IC-7610!
KE0TTSINGLE-OP QRPK3/10 at 5 watts. Thanks for your copy of my QRP sigs! 73, Dan ke0tt
KF6IASSISTED HIGHGreat time as usual. Impressed with Inverted L performance.
KG3VSINGLE-OP HIGHThanks for hosting this great contest. I really enjoyed it.
KG7HASSISTED HIGHGood conditions, my second highest CQWW 160 CW score.
KG9ZASSISTED HIGHMany CQn...not listening.
KH0R/KH2SINGLE-OP HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
KH7BSINGLE-OP HIGHFirst 160 CW contest. Antenna = $1.30's worth of wire.
KJ9CSINGLE-OP HIGHremote from Montana, hand keying,
KK9VASSISTED HIGHLots of fun, not enough time to operate.
KM3TMULTI-OP160 is a special kind of fun - love this band!
KP2BHSINGLE-OP QRPAfter having lost the roof of my qth and the towers, finally in my qth after having been repaired mount an inverted L antenna in different location which I receive and copy better. using 5 watts is not easy in 160 meters but thank God the propagation was
KS4XASSISTED HIGHall search and pounce
KS7TSINGLE-OP HIGHOf all the states to miss La. was the only state not worked/hrd in this one and when guys stopped calling me I went searching for last remaining ones. It was amazing, I literally flipped the dial and there was VT. another flip and RI and flipped again to
LA7AKSINGLE-OP LOWFunny contest with a lot of people. Hope to be qrv next year also - 73 de Olav/la7ak

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