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CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest

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2023 CW

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KE0TTSINGLE-OP QRP5 watts to a 45' T-top vertical. Thanks for your copy of my QRP. C U 73, Dan ke0tt
KG9ZSINGLE-OP LOW2nd night prop poor
KH6AQMULTI-OPAnother portable operation by NH6V and KH6AQ on the coast of Hawaii island. The 1/4 wavelength wire sloping towards the top of a 140' tree worked against two elevated radials parallel to, and 50' from, the ocean. Manmade noise was nonexistent and
KJ9CSINGLE-OP HIGHAmp gave out Friday night. Rough sledding after that
KK0UASSISTED LOWWell, that's nice round numbers for a nice round score. Tried to catch WX9RT, but just couldn't keep up, or work the DX in the end. Conditions seemed pretty good -- no storm noise here. Signals were very weak, but totally readable. Not a lot of QSB, but i
KK9VASSISTED HIGHLots of fun. Still need better receive antennas.
KM1PMULTI-OPHad a fun time with budding CW operator Christophe K1SJ who started learning CW only weeks before the contest.
KS7TSINGLE-OP LOWWhat else besides operate a contest can a guy do at 31 below zero, hi hi. No I didn't stay up all night, had to get under the warm covers sometimes. Besides, the horrible propagation due to ongoing negative polarity events on the sun caused openings to be
KW8NSINGLE-OP HIGHNeed a NE beverage to hear Europeans better.
KX0RSINGLE-OP LOW100% Hunt & Pounce
KX9RTASSISTED LOWGave it my best shot and feel like I have a lot yet to learn and looking for ways to improve my 160 scores. I missed out on AK, ND, and DC. I heard DC early, but never again. AK I couldn't snag on the second night as I waited through the early AM K3 into
LZ1AQSINGLE-OP LOW100 W ,TX ant: doublet 2x14 m as Inv. V 12m up. + ANT.TUNER RX ant: active mag.loop
M0AGPASSISTED HIGHDespite 20dB of new RFI I decided to enter anyway and give out some Qs!
M0IPUASSISTED LOWDX nodes: AR-Cluster 6: arc6.ddns.net:7373, DX Spider: dxs.ddns.net:7300, CC Cluster: dxnode.ddns.net:8888
M4XASSISTED LOWJust over 4hrs operating.
M7TASSISTED HIGHJust a few hours on Sunday evening.
M7VASSISTED LOWPart time entry!
MJ5ESINGLE-OP HIGHWhat a great contest! I chose a field day style entry this year from the island of Jersey. Very tiring getting everything ready and also have to strip all down tomorrow to get back home. Thanks for all the QSO's and I thought conditions were not 73 Bob GU
MM9IASSISTED HIGHEnjoyable thanks
N0KKSINGLE-OP LOWPut on a pot of coffee and said to myself Id run until it was brewed.
N0MHSINGLE-OP LOWEnjoyed logging with SD!
N1DMSINGLE-OP LOWstill able to work 97 with S9+10 QRN. Thanks to all who worked me.
N2KWASSISTED HIGHThanks to Dave, K1TTT, for the use of his fine station!
N3RSASSISTED HIGHBest 160M propagation to Europe I have seen since I started contesting in 1954!
N4XDSINGLE-OP HIGHAs always a contest I look forward to. Thanks for sponsoring it!
N5NENASSISTED HIGHA fun time on radio with random wire antenna
N5RELSINGLE-OP HIGHCame up just a little short on WAS during the contest but very pleased overall. 73 de N5REL
N6HISINGLE-OP QRPQRP 5 Watts to a 20-Foot End-Fed Wire. Tnx for the QSOs. GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! -73- John N6HI
N6PESINGLE-OP LOWSo many station couldn't hear me hi hi waiting for my new amp.
N7WSSINGLE-OP HIGHCasual S&P effort with limited operating time. Nice to make one AF QSO from AZ. Quite dismayed by the number of lousy signals with excessive phase noise, clicks, spurs, etc.
N8IISINGLE-OP LOWCondx were down to the NW (nothing beyond MN) and EU during the evening up to 0140Z first night, 2nd night noticeably better. I tried late Satuday around 04Z, not much from EU, but added MB,SK,MT,OR,NV,NE, and CA to mult total. Activity seemed down first
N9EDLSINGLE-OP LOWPut your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed.
N9SESINGLE-OP QRPElecraft K4D running 5,000 milliwatts. Ant: Inverted-L, 30 ft. vertical, 100 ft. horizontal. Decided to give it a try at the last minute on Friday. Got started a little before 23Z and was disappointed right away with the temporary antenna here at the new
N9TFASSISTED LOWThe wire end of my gutter and wire 160 diploe came down in a wind storm a couple weeks ago, so I only had the 6BTV to play with in this contest. Ran the K3S into my old trusty MFJ-949E manual tuner with 100 watts to make some Qs. Felt the late 90's all ov
NC6KASSISTED HIGHOnly was able to operate Saturday night here due to family commitments but conditions were excellent. No real DX - just a few Caribbean stations. I had a whopping ONE 10-point QSO. That's why this contest from the West Coast is a "just for fun" affair. It
ND0CSINGLE-OP QRP5 watts to a cloud-warmer antenna (80 meter inverted vee at 38 ft)
NI0KSINGLE-OP HIGHNot very many stations to work heard here. Sunday o-dark-thirty yielded a lot of dupes tuning the band. Saturday night was pretty good but my post-op back surgery wouldn't let me stay in the chair. I've been thinking about the loss from nearby tr
NO2DSINGLE-OP QRPRunning 5 watts to a random length wire up 30 feet.
NO8CASSISTED HIGHThanks to all...this is a fun contest!
NO9EASSISTED HIGHVery good propagation to EU but less participation than last year. 700 QSo during first day and about 230 the second day. No KL or JA but VK6 called, first time ever in this contest
NZ5ASINGLE-OP LOWAlways a wonderful contest/
OE2LCMASSISTED HIGHto much technical issues, but had fun anyway
OE8TEDASSISTED HIGHThe new phased array of active verticals improved my RX situation significantly. Great opening to US during the first night. No condx on Sunday. TX: Inv-L, 22m, FT-1kMP, 400W, RX: 3 in-line array East/West
OH1XXSINGLE-OP LOWJust like to testing RXing with 100W this time. All that DX's has worked, had good receiving.
OH2BASINGLE-OP LOWMy 10 years old Windows PC crashed on Sunday so op time is reduced. QSO rate is slower than last year. Heard several NA stations but difficult to be heard. Thanks for QSO! 73 Kazu M0CFW, M5Z, JK3GAD

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