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CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest

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2020 CW

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N3CZSINGLE-OP QRPGreat propagation. Managed to work few DX stations too. My inverted L with 20 radials works amazingly good. Thanks to all who copied my QRP signal! 73 Vlado
N3NDASSISTED HIGHShort time on Sunday morning.
N4AROASSISTED LOWBand was very crowded with activity, lots of fun. About 90 % Search and Pounce.
N4BPASSISTED HIGH2020 CQ 160 Contest
N4EHSINGLE-OP LOWDelta Loop in a soccer field, new contester KF4YEY- 45 contacts, fun TEST
N4EKSINGLE-OP LOWFun contest again this year. A few more q's then last year but about 10k more points. Very good conditions especially on Friday night. Best runs were about 70 per hour.
N4IJASSISTED LOWHighlight working 4X2M. Station: TenTec OMNI 6+ Sloping Dipole (loaded)
N4JVPSINGLE-OP LOWQRM was horrendous and beautiful at the same time.
N4T/45SINGLE-OP LOWN4T/45 commemorated the Anniversary of the POTUS Inauguration.
N4UMSINGLE-OP HIGH500W, Bent 1/4 wave @ 20 ft., Great conditions
N4XDSINGLE-OP HIGHGreat contest as always Thank you to all the SSB guys who let us invade their stomping grounds. Very generous Was great to see the band busy almost all the way up to 1.9Mhz. Who says cw is dead? Thanks to CQ Mag for sponsoring the contest. Always fun.
N5KFSINGLE-OP LOWA few hours...
N5RBSINGLE-OP LOWEnjoyed the Top band contest, even with my short random length antenna.
N5ZNSINGLE-OP LOWBad conditions. Good fun.
N6BTSINGLE-OP HIGHArizona Outlaws Contest Club
N6DWASSISTED HIGHI haven't done a lot of 160 operating for lack of a 160 antennat. I was running a K3 into an Ameritron ALS-600s at 500 watts. I have recently put up a 160 L of sorts and wanted to check it out. I worked a bit on both evenings, all search and punce. I got
N6HISINGLE-OP QRPI wasn't planning to participate in this one at all, but woke up early Sunday and decided to see what I could do with One Half Watt into a 20 foot wire. Spent about an hour, and the tiny peanut whistle managed 4 contacts for me, 2 ARIZONA OUTLAWS and 2 st
N8IISINGLE-OP LOW90 EU worked 2nd night, incredible maybe once in a lifetime EU opening! I getting far more EU than NA callers for over an hour. Highlights being called by CX,P3,4X.
N9RVSINGLE-OP HIGHAlways make time for this contest.
N9SESINGLE-OP QRPThis is as good as it gets for QRP on 160M. I worked quite a few EU. In fact, I actually got a run going Saturday night, with around a dozen answering my QRP CQ! Rig - Elecraft KX3, 65ft Inverted-L.
N9TFSINGLE-OP LOWLater start Fiday night than planned due to other lifes issues. Was hoping to better my previous years score for another PB. Too many houurs and Qs missed at start. Struggled with high SWR due to ice and snow accumulation on antenna Friday night. RX OK bu
NA4CWSINGLE-OP HIGHNot really contesting. Just chasing Top Band DX. Got four new band countries.
NC6QSINGLE-OP LOWPlease us this as a check log. I worked 2 stations on 160m for the band/mode multiplier for Winter Field Day!
NE1BASSISTED HIGHCould not find anyone in NE, ND or SD! Same with PE, NF, NB, SK or BC. Still had fun working many friends and newbies!
NF7RSINGLE-OP HIGHHad to QRT late Saturday night. Props were great! Let's do it again ...
NJ3KASSISTED LOWThanks to all. 73 NJ3K
NN4SSSINGLE-OP HIGHCorrected Frequencies
NN7CWASSISTED HIGHHigh motivation and ambitious planning was defeated by my amp breaking down 2 1/4 hours after the contest started. Spent 3.5 hours troubleshooting with no fruitful outcome and then fired up the rig for another 2 1/4 hours on the air until I decided to cal
NO9ESINGLE-OP HIGHOperation from new ham-radio property with 2 600ft bidirectional beverages, 140ft of wire over a tall tree with 4 elevated radials, and Flex6600 + Expert 1.3k-fa. Very clear band. Lots of EU with some very strong. Almost like 20m. But no KL7 or JA,and o
NQ6NASSISTED HIGHBy far the best 160m conditions I've experienced.
NW3YASSISTED HIGHUnbelievable conditions to EU 0230Z Sunday!
NZ0TSINGLE-OP LOWElecraft K3 100 watts, 43' vertical.
OE2SASSISTED HIGHOperated just a few hours from the home QTH. Great activity, was fun again!
OE6CUDSINGLE-OP LOWNice Contest on 160m in CW and i have more QSO than last Year! Year thats nice
OG6NASSISTED HIGHPart time operation
OH/M0CFWSINGLE-OP LOWBig thanks to station owner Seppo OH1VR. Despite sunset/sunrise hours were allocated to boss, this will be OH LP record. :-) Thanks everyone for points/multipliers! 73 Kazu M0CFW, MJ5Z, JK3GAD
OH1MARSINGLE-OP LOWIC-756 pro2 160 m Inverted-L KP10FK
OH1XXASSISTED HIGHLast 2 Q's my log times correct. Some EU calls NA stns below 1810.0 kHz.
OH2BJSINGLE-OP HIGHNice to test my inverted L antenna with 3 lifted radials for few hours. I live in countryside with low noise level but still I could not hear weak stations antennas.
OH4AMULTI-OPThanks for the contest. Found a lot to fix at the station. Have been lazy about maintenance, alas fixing. Climbed the tower Sunday, fixing the first and worst issues. We plan to be back.
OH8CWSINGLE-OP HIGHForced 80m GP on 160m. Used first 100w but soon realized that stations won't here me and switched linear on. Could use only 200-500W as the PC froze when tried more power.
OK1DWQSINGLE-OP LOW3 hour only fun ... great condx huga amount of stations
OK1DXASSISTED HIGHI have tried to get best result during one night operation only.
OK1HFPSINGLE-OP HIGHkenwood ts 2000 PA HM 4xGU50 Ant Vrtical T Dipole

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