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CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest

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2022 CW


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Call Category Comments
3V8SFSINGLE-OP LOWTX: 16m T-Antenna 32 radials RX: JA BOG (80m) - NA Bev (320m)
4F2KWTSINGLE-OP LOWHad much fun in this year with new antenna.
4L9MSINGLE-OP HIGH18m spiderpole vertical, k9ay. thanks 73!
4U1ASINGLE-OP QRPAll week before the contest I was comparing the signal levels in Europe at 5 and 100 watts ... and I would say that not seeing a big difference, I decided (for the first time) contesting in QRP mode since a separate mult in the center of Europe allowed us
4U9AASSISTED HIGHPart time, no RX antenna but had fun, as always. Saturday evening was quite good, Sunday SNR was worse.
5Q6EESINGLE-OP LOWElecraft K3s - 75 Watt Dipole for 40m band
7K1MAGSINGLE-OP LOWI enjoyed the contest. I have operated in JA2 area.
9A/EI8KWASSISTED LOWPut your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed.
9A/F5SNJASSISTED HIGHA casual remote operation from 9A1TT, mainly the last couple of hours of the contest. Sorry if my CW sounded like gibberish at times. Operating CW remotely is not completely seamless (yet!), and I'm still learning... I was using DXLog, but I thin
9A5AETASSISTED HIGH9A/Croatia (9A1TT) is a www.RemoteHamRadio.com station that members may operate remotely. Rig consists of a FLEX-6600 driving an OM2000A+ 1500W amp. 160m antenna is a 31.5m vertical with a top hat and 6 radials elevated 6m. NW, N/S and NE beverages do a g
AA0FOSINGLE-OP HIGHGreat fun running 800w w/ 160m center fed dipole at 60'. QRN seemed low, which was nice and had no technical problems for a change!
AA2EQSINGLE-OP LOWOperated on Generator power. No commercial power used. Worked out of back of my 4x4 truck, temporary antennas, miles away from nearest AC power.
AA4HGSINGLE-OP LOWGotta get the amp fixed. Heard lots of stations that didn't hear me!
AB9MASSISTED HIGHThis was the first time in several years I tried to participate in a contest due to my hearing impairments causing decoding difficulties. But new Bluetooth-enabled digital hearing aids, a Bluetooth transmitter, a WOLFWAVE audio DSP set for 650 Hz
AC7ASINGLE-OP LOWNew QTH with minimal 40' base loaded vertical for now. Conditions seemed challenging. Still managed to work Asiatic Russia, Japan and some closer DX with 90 Watts from my K2/100. Hope to have a better antenna up for the next CQWW160-CW.
AD4ESMULTI-OPThings were really slow this weekend. Europe only open for a very brief time. Activity was definitely down as was conditions from SFL.
AE1TASSISTED LOWThank you to all those ops who pulled my weak signal out of the 160M mud. (100 watts + 80M dipole = weak signal!) 73 de Peter, AE1T
AE3JSINGLE-OP QRPPortable Port Penn DE. IC-703 43 FT Vert.
AF4TSINGLE-OP HIGHI have WS6X twice, left both since I am not sure which QSO he has logged. Only included once in total QSOs
AJ2YSINGLE-OP HIGHGreat to see some familiar calls in this contest.
C4WASSISTED HIGHremote operation
DA0BCCASSISTED LOWI worked with the special call from our Bavarian Contest Club for the first time. Not easy to work with low power and only one not perfect antenna. But I had much fun and cuagn next year. 73 Olaf da0bcc/dl7cx
DC3CCASSISTED HIGHless time this year but enough to test the antenna.
DF40BGKSINGLE-OP LOWSpecial clubcall celebrates 40th anniversary of DARC chapter Bergkamen on 160m. Thanks to all callers. vy 73 es 55 de Jim, DL1DAW
DF4PDASSISTED HIGHSome situations bringing the fun away. i.e. calling without listening.
DF7JCSINGLE-OP LOWFirst time 160 meters. only Europe on the list, but fine for more.
DJ6OIASSISTED LOWLots fo activity dit more QSOs than last year . Conditions was not very good ... got only a few DX Stations
DK2BJASSISTED HIGHWorked with my big magnetic loop. ConDX to US/VE seemed not be vy good. But had a high noise level here. 73s Uli
DK7HASINGLE-OP QRPK3/10, 5 watt invL ant
DK8FDASSISTED HIGHA contest full of Murphys law, it would be long to write everything what happened during that one night with the antenna, storm and and station :-)
DL1BWUSINGLE-OP LOWHat wieder Spa gemacht.
DL1MHJASSISTED LOWMni tnx for QSOs es your good ears. Ant only 2 x 12.5m linear loaded dipole :-) Vy 73 Torsten, DL1MHJ
DL1VDLASSISTED HIGHQRT after 5 hours because of irreversible SWR mismatch due to a heavy storm. I have to improve the mechanical stability of the omega-match at the top-loaded tower used as vertical for all lowbands. I have enjoyed the activity in the contest!
DL2GANSINGLE-OP LOW12th time for me to take part in the 160m CW Worldwide contest. Using a very short antenna (7m (21ft)) tall vertical for both TX and RX from my balcony, poor grounding and my ICOM IC740 + Antenna Tuner MFJ-971. Heavy noisy urban environment. TX-pwr: 75 Wa
DL2ZASINGLE-OP LOWTS 850 S - 2x 19,5m - Doppelzepp - Huehnerleitung
DL4ZASINGLE-OP LOWYaesu FTdx3000 - Loop 186 Meter Umfang
DL5CLSINGLE-OP LOWIC7610, ant: W3EDP@15mtrs
DL5RDOASSISTED HIGHHard work with just 2 x 14m doublet and a lot of DSL noise here. But a lot of fun nonetheless!
DL6MHWASSISTED HIGHGood to meet so many friends on 160 m. CU next year!
DL6NBCSINGLE-OP LOW1st participation, no DX but nice QSOs all over Europe with my 7m long GP in Nuremberg down town
DL8DYLASSISTED HIGHOnly for fun.... 73 Irina, DL8DYL
DL8TGASSISTED LOWGood activity and busy band. Using a W3EDP 26m in Inv L style with low power. Hear you in 2023, 73 Klaus DL8TG
DL9FBFSINGLE-OP LOWjust 2 ours participated.
DP3PASSISTED LOWHad lot of fun but also lost 2 PA-Transistors. Our little Team had as Antennas an L-Antenna, Liftet a Kite with antenna and had a Beverage. More at https://www.baerenfunk.de Antenna-Team: DL5UHR, DL9OBD, DL3BBH, DJ1WF
E7/Z35MSINGLE-OP LOW100W 34m LW at 8M
EA5AERSINGLE-OP LOWIt was my first attempt on the top band, with my tree top L-antenna and a few radials laying on the ground. Very happy with the result, and the most important, willing to repeat next year with some improvements on the wires to increase the perfor


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